Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Addicted with Runescape? This contest for you!

If you are a gamer or addicted to runescape, then this contest might caught your interest to participate while learning stuff on runescape. Indeed another referral contest where you should refer other people to join under you using your referral url and post at least 5 quality post for you and the ones you refer and you get the price.

Location of the contest : Runescape EliteNeo - Click Here
Contest starts: December 2, 2007
Contest Ends: January 1, 2008
Price breakdown:
The first person to reach 50 legit referrals will win either $50.00 (usd - paypal) or 10M RS2GP.

The second person to reach 50 legit referrals will win $20.00 (usd - paypal) or 4M RSGP.

The third person to reach 50 legit referrals will win $15.00 (usd - paypal) or 3M RSGP.

The fourth person to reach 50 legit referrals will win $10.00 (usd - paypal) or 2M RSGP.

Enjoy the post, the game and the prize. By the way, if you register don't forget to put mann3r as the referrer. Goodluck!

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